I'm back, i'm back i'm back i'm back~~~ @v@
How's the new layout and header? hehe, thought to have a change after so long..
Well, no nails for today yet, maybe until i have enough rest replacement from work, haha..
I removed my gel nails, they stay on nails not even a month, think will not go to that nail salon for the moment, as i don't see any reason to return if they still do not consider from customer side. ><
-i actually requested for acrylic nails since i've tried gel before, but the ladies keep on pushing me to go for gel, i know it's nicer and it's the trend over here, but i can sense that it's mostly because they don't want to smell the strong liquid thingy. (Or maybe they dont have the skill? lolx)
-they have pink powder majority, which the rest are like purple and some weird green and yellow one. NOT even pale pink, nude or beige as what i asked for. #$%^& The salon seems to be quite popular in the mall, but only with these few colors to survive for little girls that only like pink? T.T
-they kinda success to CHANGE my mind to give gel nail one more try, but we had some time on the length. rrgghh.. i SAID i need to do typing quite a lot, but she still refuse to shorter the extension, saying that she already use to do long nails, and short one are not pretty enough. T.T so i file them down after i got back home. rggggggh.. But still, i'm not able to file it too short as it's really thick from the c-curve view, had hard time to pick up coins or even paper. End up almost whole office can hear me typing with the nails, annoying to me and my colleague.
-Last and for most. another reason i wanted acrylic is because after the gel stays on your nails for some time, there will be some gap/air in between the gel and real nails as you do your daily work and due to the different thickness of gel on nail bed and the corner. the lady guarantee to me it will not happen, but it happens right after that, haha... then she giving excuse then the corner (near cuticle) is too thin cause she file it too much. End my love for gel nail.
ok i think it's about it. haih...
By the way, the gradient is quite nice though..
Dah, hand itchy edit photos immediately though i say no photo today, haha...
Oh and she's rude to my nails!!!!!!!!!
she trim them badly hurtfully and they look awful before hiding with gel layer on top. There is standard steps to cut off nails which i know it from beauty show, i assume that professional nail salon practice that too, but i guess i'm wrong (cause they expect me to go back for 'refill' the gel after 2-3 weeks, so they can continue to hide it, lolx).
My 10 finger nails are like some with square shape here some round there, rrgghhhh..
This is how it looks like after 1+ week.. My nails grow fast..
Only manage to file till this length cause i can't stand the thickness.. ><

And see..... the crack on my middle finger..
That continue to happen on the rest of my nails and it never ends... T.T
Enough of complaining, talking typing makes me hungry faster, food here i come~
Till next time.. :)
Hi Rachel, so glad you're back! I missed you :) I do like your new gel nails, but I can understand how it's not to your liking. I can't believe she did not listen to you and do what you wanted!
Well anyway welcome back ♥
LOVE this!
tehee, i miss you too~~ ^^ i like it too, but they remind me of how they treat my nails :(
Thanks a lot~ :)
Hi Rachel! So glad you are back! I missed you too ♥ I can't believe they hurt you and your nails. I am not happy with them! :< Your nails do look pretty in the pictures but as you say, not nice to be reminded of how it hurt to get them!
P.S. LOVE, love, LOVE your new profile picture. Pretty lady xx
The Diva's Polish:
Tehee.... i've been waiting for your reply here.. :p
let's forget about the painful experience since i've already removed it myself, haha...
friends been telling me i look chubby or fat in the picture (well in real life as well, lolx)but i just love the 'meat', cause people always tot i'm younger than my younger sister~~ wahaha.. XP
P.S. Miss you miss you miss you~~!
Rachel, welcome back! Miss u so much!!! I'm sad to hear that you had such a bad experience at the salon. I've heard some horror stories of people getting their cuticles cut until they bleed and filing down of the nails until it nearly reach the nail bed! They should have given you want you wanted and not push you to get gels when you really wanted acrylic. Go to a different salon next time.
Wow your nails do grow very quickily. I've been playing with gel overlay lately and have been loving it. Especially on toe nails. They last forever. I'm going to do a acrylic overlay design soon. Take care and hope to hear from you more often!
Hugssssss~! ^^
Oh thanks god i did not experience the cuticle thingy, i overly cut my cuticle before and i know how does it feel.. ouch ><
Yea i'm considering another salon at another side of the mall, but it's a bit small so i'm wondering their quality.. or maybe i'll just have to go futher to bigger mall..
i've been searching retail acrylic powder or gel one but it's really hard to find it here as people usually only get i done in salon, and it's super expensive.. ><
P.S. Miss you miss you miss you too! haha..
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