One more mani to show before i go to bed.. ><
Tomorrow's a busy day for a launching event~

As you know from the title this is a polka dots mani, but first you gotta start with a base color~

But i'm sure you can tell how i did it, right? :p
Dot the white polish into a vertical straight line, follow with turquoise (Skin Food BL503) on each side of the white, then darker one at the side (Rimmel London 819 green with envy), lastly with smaller dots, with white polish again in between the turquoise for a optical gradient look..

Since i only have chance to play with polish on my nails on weekend, how can i only have 1 design~ talking about this, i realise i forgot to take down photos of another mani i did before this taking idea from LOVE4NAILS You tube nail guru.. ><
Ok i think i'll probably have to leave my blog no-update for a week again, or maybe longer.. ><>
WOW! I love that manicure!
Thanks! ^^ it was an accident that i wanted a more simple design, but luckily it came out nice too.. hehe..
Those designs are so cute!!!
Both look great but I love the one with the diagonal dots!
This is so cool - I love polka dots!!!!
Oh, I love that blue polish and I love the spotty mani! It's perfect! Another one I want to try! You are so clever! <3 xxx
i like tis eh
thanks~ ^^
yea it's more simple, fast and easy to achieve, i was just too itchy to add more and more dots so it end up like the 1st one, haha... thanks anyway~ ^^
yardstickts 4 lunatics:
Thank you very much~ ^^
tehee, clever girl is back to office and events so come back on weekend for more~~ haha.. xiexie~ ^^
haha, all mani i did you dare to say dont like? XP
Woah this one is so nice! How did you make the dots so same size??
wahaha, there's something call dotting tools, you just dip it into polish and dot dot dot and same size of dot dot dot will be dotted dotted dotted, haha..
Oh I love the 2 colour dotted mani. It's so well done! Ahhh Chinese New Year coming up. Have to start planning my CNY nails hehehe.
i'm love the dots! the second design is awesome!!
tehee, yaya, let's draw tiger on our nails.. XP
Thanks girl~ ^^
hihi~ 1st time comment here.. ^^ I like all ur manicure.. nice nice~ ^^ but can i know what tool u use it to make the polka dot?
Thanks qing qing^^ i use dotting tools to make dots, or else you can use orange stick:)
err.. dunno what is orange stick.. haha XD but then, where can i get the dotting tool? face shop or somewhr else?
i m getting like to play with my nails after I read ur blog.. haha XD
hmmm..... this case, just find anything such as the edges or tip of pen or paint brush that is small enough so you can dip it with polish and make dots on nails.. :D
Very original, nice !!
thanks a lot~ :)
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