So Sorry guys i'm really pack with training work! Weekends are left for sleep drama hang out and eat~~~ @v@ And sorry again i have to be rush cause mummy is bringing us out for shopping~~~~ yeah! XP Chinese New Year is coming soon so it's time to shop for new clothes~ haha....
I'm not sure if it's my lap top prob or what, i can't arrange the sequence of photos here.. ><
then added flakes(right hand) and rhinestones(left hand) on the outline of french..

Jin does it do the same thing with yours? :p
Ok i gtg, mummy's waiting, will try to upload the rest of nails i did these pass weekend tonight~ bye^^/
Hello Rachel! Glad to hear from you again! Your nails look beautiful as usual, love the green on you! Have you tried rolling the bottle of polish between your hands instead of shaking it before you paint!? It works very well for me when I do this, not a bubble in sight! We'll see what Jin says, she'll have a good idea!
Happy Chinese New Year! Hope you have fun shopping!! Xx
This is so pretty and girly without being too over the top.
Love it!
Oh i miss you so much Danielle~ ^^
hmm, normally i will not shake or roll it cause i'm not sure if both ways will make the polish bubble especially when it's a new bought polish, for old one i will roll slowly between both hand to warm and mix it better.
I'm not sure but i got 2-3 bottle will just appear bubble no matter how i 'treat' it, lolx..
It is a shopping day for me today, bought quite a few stuff, will show it here soon^^
Thanks! ^^
tehee, thanks~ :)
thank you thank you! ^^ I feel so good getting comments from you all again, feel like i'm home.. :)
SO pretty! I love the green!
And that's why the polish is given name "green with envy", hehe...
Rachel you're back!!! Oh I miss you *hugs* hehe. You're really good at doing French mani freehand. I always had troubles doing my right hand. Yes I experienced the same issue. If you look at my new year nails when I used the exact same nail polish, you'll notice that the bubbles are all over the place! That's why I try to cover most of them up with big glitter flakes hehe. I am always careful not to shake my bottles at all. If required I've only rolled it between my palms. Not sure why it's so full of bubbles. I've bought quite a few colours from the same brand. Hope they don't bubble as well. Yes it's Chinese New Year again! Speaking of new clothes I need to get some too. I love CNY sigh... too bad I'm not going back to Singapore this year. I miss my family so much.
Jin~~~~~ *hugs hugs* ^^
haha i'm back but off back to work again tomorrow.. ><
tehee, other than white polish that always come with easily thicker formula,i'm ok with other colors for french.. :p
yea i notice the bubbles on your new year nails that's y i mention about you in the post tehee.. The other color i get from Rimmel is ok, this is one of the bottle that piss me off and i cant find out the reason.. T.T
Oh it's sad to hear when it's CNY eve but family members are not able to have unity dinner together.. :(
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